Healthcare AI Systems

What is HAIS?

HAIS is a project that offers groundbreaking solutions in the field of healthcare using artificial intelligence technologies. The main goal of HAIS is to enable both animals and humans to access healthcare services more quickly, accurately and effectively. Thanks to HAIS, you will be able to access data such as more detailed information about your existing diseases, treatment methods, and medications that can be used. Initially, we are working in the field of animal health, but in the future we will also work on human health. HAIS offers high accuracy rates in the early diagnosis of various diseases thanks to its artificial intelligence algorithms.

Pneumonia diagnosis
Succes Rate 98%
Tuberculosis diagnosis
Succes Rate 90%
Brain tumor diagnosis
Succes Rate 93%
Heart attack risk via blood test
Succes Rate 92%
FIP forecast in cats
Succes Rate 91%
Probable disease prediction from hemogram
Succes Rate 97%

In a basic way, the free version will identify possible diseases based on symptoms and will help you better understand your pet’s condition, the correctness of the treatments and their effects. By the last quarter of 2024 we plan to launch a free version. In a basic way, the free version will identify possible diseases based on symptoms and will help you better understand your pet’s condition, the correctness of the treatments and their effects. The paid version, which we plan to launch by the second quarter of 2025, will produce more targeted information and solutions by providing data such as hemogram, X-rays, etc.

We're betting on it!

It shows our success rates in the detection and prediction of certain diseases with the artificial intelligence models we share above. These are basically working models. As we start our main studies and obtain more data, we will stabilize the success rates of artificial intelligence models at an optimum level.

In 5 years, we are confident that we will be conducting leading work on AI and health because we have prepared 5 AI models in as little as 2 months. Now we are starting to combine these systems. With this work, we will start preliminary work for PAIS, Personal AI Systems, as soon as possible. HAIS, which will be part of a larger AI system, is goint to make very important breakthroughs in health and treatment.

Advanced Algorithms

HAIS aims for the highest precision in diagnosing diseases using hundreds of algorithms in the field of healthcare. Our constantly updated and developed artificial intelligence models offer innovative solutions in diagnosis and treatment processes.

Working to Improve the World!

With HAIS, we not only improve the health of individuals, but also tackle ecological and environmental issues. Environmental issues directly affect the health of both animals and humans. Therefore, we aim to create a healthier world by protecting the ecosystem and developing sustainable solutions.

In addition to improving health, HAIS also aims to contribute to society. We aim to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged groups, the elderly and people who have difficulty in accessing healthcare services by providing access to healthcare services where they are. HAIS is a project that aims to revolutionize healthcare with artificial intelligence technologies. We aim to contribute to the health of both animals and humans with high accuracy rates, advanced algorithms and comprehensive health solutions. Get one step closer to the health technologies of the future with HAIS!


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